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TripNut Community - Entrepreneurs Program (V&TEP)

Take a trip to the bank...
Recruit Travel & Hospitality Businesses to
The Community connects TripNut members to travel and hospitality businesses all over the world. That includes airlines, cruise companies, hotels, tour guides and tour operators but also dozens and dozens of other businesses too.
Earn a 40% commission on all business subscriptions
When a business subscribes to create a V&T InterActive Kiosk on we charge a small subscription fee - between $24.95 and $149.95 depending on the type of business.

If you recruit a travel or hospitality business, we'll pay you 40% of the subscription fee on the first subscription and on every subsequent renewal as long as you are a member of the Entrepreneurs Program.
To Qualify for the V&T Entrepreneur Program
If you are a home business or student entrepreneur it is very easy to qualify to become a V&T Entrepreneur
  • Be a fully registered member of
  • Complete your Profile as a member.
  • Set-up and publish your TripNut "MyPage".
  • Refer at least 10 other Members to the TripNut Community.
When you log in to your account, look on the left column for the link to the V&T Entrepreneur Program and sign up to apply.



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